World Water Day promotes care for most precious resource

While rain and snowstorms across California this winter have recharged water supplies, one
wet year is not enough to reverse the impacts of an increasingly hot and dry climate in the
Southwest. That’s why it’s so important to mark World Water Day on March 22 and "Be the
Change” by taking action to use water carefully. Thankfully, the San Diego region has invested
wisely in water supplies, storage, and infrastructure, but there are still more steps we can all
take to be “water smart.” The San Diego County Water Authority and its 24 member agencies
offer rebates and other resources to help businesses save money while saving water at

  • Rebates on premium high-efficiency toilets, HVAC, and food equipment
  • Water Use Surveys, which include free, on-site inspections and written site-specific
    water-saving recommendations
  • The Waterscape Rebate Program, which helps upgrade old driveways and parking lots,
    replace onsite grass with native plants; and install rain gutters, rain barrels, and smart
    irrigation controllers
  • The On-Site Retrofit Program, which provides financial incentives to convert irrigation
    and industrial water systems to recycled water
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