Dollars Lent
Businesses Assisted
Jobs Impacted
1.K +
Jobs Created

Consejo de Desarrollo Económico del Condado Sur (EDC del Condado Sur).
Estos préstamos están diseñados para ayudar a las empresas a mejorar sus operaciones, agregar nuevos equipos y contratar personal. Muchas empresas han tenido que cambiar la forma en que operan en los últimos dos años y el EDC del Condado Sur está ansioso por ayudar a las empresas locales del Condado Sur a lograr un crecimiento. El EDC del Condado Sur proporcionará un préstamo único de $10,000, sin intereses, si se paga antes del 1 de abril de 2023. En ese momento, si se necesita tiempo adicional para hacer el pago, el saldo restante se financiará durante los 36 meses restantes al 5 % de interés.
Featured Services
Work Force Development
The SCEDC proactively assesses the needs of employers and works with local education organizations, companies, and residents to develop programming focused on ensuring future needs are met. Through grant programs, partnerships, and scholarships we work tirelessly to assist residents in becoming the valued assets employers are searching for.
Business Attraction
WTCSD supports foreign businesses looking to invest in vetted San Diego businesses and projects.
Featured Initiatives And Programs
Business Retention and Attraction
Working alongside our civic partners the SCEDC works to highlight the unique assets here in South County to businesses looking to relocate and or grow. Our communities have unparalleled available commercial and residential land, proximity to international ports of entry, and highly skilled workforce.
Government Relations
The South County Economic Development Council works diligently to connect interested parties with the decision makers in our communities. Together we can take the vision of tomorrow’s community a reality today.