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Young Entrepreneurs Academy

Applications are now open!

Binational Forum Recap

Held on August 16th, 2024 at South County Lighthouse

Young Entrepreneurs Academy

Now Enrolling – 2025

Do you dream of starting your own business? 

The Young Entrepreneur Academy is an innovative program that provides High School Students with the tools and resources they need to start and run their own businesses. 

Class Schedule
From January 15th – June 4th, 2025, every Wednesday school is in session, from 4:30 PM to 7:30 PM

South County EDC is a non-profit business organization that partners with California Manufacturing Technology Consulting (CMTC)  to offer support to the manufacturing companies in South San Diego County.  

Zero Cost Assistance program

The South County Economic Development Council is offering valuable assistance to local manufacturers by providing access to various resources at no cost. These resources include wage subsidies, workforce development programs, operational assistance, and more.  

Business Resources

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What We Do

The South County EDC is focused on long term economic growth by attracting new business, supporting local companies, and encouraging positive community enhancement.

Business Attraction and Retention

SCEDC highlights the unique assets in South County to businesses looking to relocate or grow.  Our communities have unparalleled commercial/residential land, proximity to international, and highly skilled workforce.

Workforce Development

The SCEDC proactively assesses the needs of employers and works with local education organizations, companies, and residents to develop programming focused on ensuring future needs are met.

Government Relations

The South County Economic Development Council works diligently to connect interested parties with the decision makers in our communities.  Together we can take the vision of tomorrow’s community a reality today.



SCEDC is Binational

The Binational Committee of the South County EDC is focused on the regional influences, communications, and partnerships derived from being on one of the busiest international land borders in the world. 

The South County EDC is focused on enhancing the conversation among businesses, governments, and residents of the region.

South County Investors

Invest in south county


— Membership —

South County edc News


Chula Vista Board and Commission Vacancies

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Chula Vista Boards and Commissions Boards and commissions are important in that they enable citizens to participate in the City of Chula Vista’s government processes. Their activities help shape and influence public policy, because they lend a more diverse viewpoint for the City Council to consider. You are encouraged to apply for boards and commissions, even if no current vacancy exists. Applications are kept on file for consideration for one year from the date received.


Chula Vista Police Drone as First Responder Program Expands Citywide

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A press conference has been scheduled to discuss the nationally recognized Chula Vista Police Drone as First Responder (DFR) program’s new FAA approval to be the first police agency in the nation to launch drones from anywhere within city limits to respond to 911 calls and emergencies. The approval expands DFR from approximately 33% coverage of the city to 100% coverage providing airborne support to public safety operations in a safe, responsible, and transparent manner.


Announcing New Forum Series

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For more than thirty years the South County EDC has been bringing our communities together to discuss key issues of focus for the region through our Economic Summit.  To enhance the amazing insights on focused programs having come from the Summit we are launching a forum series.  Over the coming year we will host three forums in the areas of Real Estate, Workforce, and the Binational Region.  The forums will each take an in depth


Growth and Revitalization on the Horizon

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As we prepare to spring forward it is with great optimism that we look to the near future as a time of growth and revitalization.  For the past year we have all worked diligently to ensure our neighbors, communities, and families have remained safe and healthy.  This hard work is starting to pay off with decreasing infection numbers, increasing vaccination opportunities, and slow but steady re-opening of our economy.  The road ahead is paved with

get our Newsletter

March 15th, SCEDC Newsletter


SCEDC Calendar 

See What’s Coming Up!

Board of Directors Meeting

December 3rd, 2024 at 8AM

Policy and Infrastructure Meeting

November 20th , 2024 at 3PM via Zoom.

Member events

See What’s Coming Up

City of Chula Vista Council Meetings

When: October 1rst, 2024 from 5PM – 6PM

Sun Coast Market Co-Op

Shop Every 3rd Saturday 8am -2pm