by Barry Bradham | May 4, 2020 | News
The South County Economic Development Council is partnered with a tremendous group of civic organizations, to help chart a path to success as the region prepares to re-launch the local economy. Due to the foresight and leadership of Supervisor Cox and Mayor Faulconer...
by Barry Bradham | May 8, 2020 | News
In recent weeks, the Recovery Task Force convened by Supervisor Cox and May Faulconer has been working to ensure businesses have clear guidelines and expectations as we move towards recovery. The South County Economic Development Council along with many of our civic...
by Barry Bradham | May 11, 2020 | News
In order to better serve the businesses in South County we have engaged in video conferences with business leaders. The goal of the calls was twofold, first to understand what businesses needed while facing this unprecedented time and second to help disseminate the...
by Barry Bradham | May 20, 2020 | News
Even in the time of COVID-19 the South County Economic Development Council’s Public Policy Committee and Board of Directors have been busy reviewing and supporting business initiatives critical to the South County. Issues which have come before the SCEDC have included...
by Barry Bradham | Jun 5, 2020 | News
Since joining the South County Economic Development Council as its new CEO in early April, it has been amazing to see the commitment and pride local business owners have in their community and their customers. Businesses are facing some of the toughest challenges ever...
by Barry Bradham | Jun 9, 2020 | News
The South County Economic Development Council has always understood and supported the relationship our region has with our economic counterparts in Mexico. This relationship impacts us all daily whether it be through workforce, commerce, logistics, or lifestyle. As an...